Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tell Stats

Have you ever used Tell Stats? It's an interesting site for getting some basic information about a site. For example, here is the phpLD Listing on Tell Stats. I especially like the keyword feature, as it gives you a quick overview what the site is optimized for. I find the keywords it found for phpLD much more "centric" on directory related phrases:
directory script
php ld link directory
php link directory
link directory script
directory script
php directory script

But when I checked one of my directories the keywords were more "diverse"

Here are some of the keywords for Directhoo (Tell Stats listing)
religious supplies wicca new york
nadu furniture atlanta ga
kimption hotels
article payments phpld
national centenarian awareness project
phpld database inclusion
wiki hallucinogen

So not sure what to make of it, but an interesting tool!